Giant Sequoia National Monument designation put forward by
the Clinton Administration in July was without any input from people
and their elected representatives whom this designation will affect
most. We believe this designation smacks of regulation without representation
and violates previous agreements.
The Mediated Settlement Agreement forged
in 1990 by the former administration, forest product professionals
and environmentalists alike required that sequoia groves and
buffer zones be mapped for a total of 26,959 acres. In 1992, President
Bush visited the groves and ordered implementation of the Mediated
Settlement Agreement and then signed a Presidential Proclamation to
protect the groves for future generations.
By comparison, the Clinton Administration
proposal calls for setting aside about 340,000 acres in a form that
he earlier opposed because of the Existing Mediated Settlement agreement
and potential losses due to catastrophic wildfire. Not only is President
Clinton ignoring the local people who will be affected by his proposal,
he is also ignoring a large body of knowledge refuting the need for
setting aside additional acres of land:
1. The 1985 proceedings
of the workshop on giant sequoia included a summary position by
the Sierra Club that said, "Perhaps the biggest threat to some
of the groves today is fire. Accumulated fuel and dense stands of
fir and pine are a disaster waiting to happen. The Sierra Club has
advocated a one-time timber harvest in some groves where whitewoods
are too dense."
2. The 1992 symposium on giant sequoia
called, "Giant Sequoias: Their Place in the Ecosystem and Society"
was held in Visalia following President Bushs visit. The symposium
included international scientists, forest managers and environmental
activists who concluded, "One inescapable conclusion is that
achieving the long-term sustainability of Giant Sequoia will take
some form of active management rather than a passive legislative
3. And the 1996 Sierra Nevada Ecosystem
Project called for by Congress said, "The (mediated settlement)
agreement seems to provide the flexibility necessary to develop
a scientifically supportable plan for giant sequoia management
If President Clinton has moved forward
with his Monument designation despite opposition from people who live
in the giant sequoia region. CFA calls on his administration to establish
an independent panel to review the science and management necessary
to protect the groves. Further, the Clintin-Gore administration must
make resources available for individual grove-management plans required
by the Mediated Settlement Agreement. CFA supports better integration
of forest science and management to achieve the long-term protection
of giant sequoia.
Note: Mr. Bischel is the president of The California Forestry Association,
a non-profit trade association representing California's forest products
profession. The CFA promotes public policy for an adequate and
sustainable supply of forest products at an affordable cost while enhancing
forest health and safety.