Vol. 17 No. 21 |
Edition |
1, 2001
Internet Database Informants
Howard Hobbs, Ph.D. President
Valley Press Media Network
Top Digital Online Info Database Sources for March 1, 2001 are:
Aggregate Informants
Data Collections - Journalism
- FedWorld Information Services: Comprehensive guide to Government databases
- Federal Government Agencies, a clean, easy-to-use listing
- Federal Web Locator allows searching
- Fedstats collects and organizes statistics from 70 agencies
- National Archives and Records Administration catalogs records held by Government agencies
- DefenseLink News and live briefings from the U.S. Department of Defense
- The White House
- House of Representatives
- The Senate
- The Supreme Court
- State and local government websites from Piper Resources
- Statesearch, state-level information on a variety of topics
- GPO Access searches the Federal Register, U.S. Code, Congressional bills and other Government publications
- Thomas, the Library of Congress information service. Also try the experimental Web catalog
- Census Bureau home page, 1990 Census tables and Ferret, for recent population and income data
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service
- Criminal justice links assembled by Cecil Greek at Florida State University
- APBNews.com crime news and information, including police scanners from major cities.
- United States Geological Survey, current earthquake information and Earthquake Information Center
- National Hurricane Center
- United Nations and U.N. Web locator
- The European Journalism page
- Newsahead upcoming news events around the globe
- FindLaw has an extensive collection of legal links
- KnowX Free and low-cost information about lawsuits, bankruptcies, U.C.C. and other public filings for businesses and individuals
- WebGator has a variety of useful investigative links
- Federal Aviation Administration databases of airline safety reports
- Landings Comprehensive aviation site offers databases of plane registrations, service difficulty reports, pilot certifications
- UniSci gives updates on scientific research at U.S. universities
- Top 200 Government contractors from Government Executive
- Reporters Committee for Freedom of the
Press has links and information, including a
fill-in-the-blanks Freedom of Information request. (This list of Federal
freedom of information officers may be useful, as well as this New
York State FOI page)
- The Freedom Forum Journalism, journalism education and first amendment issues
- Telecommunications information resources: social, economic, political
- The Smoking Gun presents (undigested)
documents obtained from court files and
through freedom of information requests
- Business & Finance references are available from Business Connections
The Reference Desk
- Research It all-in-one reference desk: dictionary, quotes, translators, more
- Onelook has more than 400 dictionaries, specialized and general
- Encyclopaedia Britannica The one and only.
- Roget's Internet Thesaurus
- Information Please Almanac Almanac, dictionary and the full Columbia Encyclopedia
- Biography.com offers brief, cross-referenced biographies of more than 25,000 notables.
- Travlang language-to-language translation dictionaries
- Shark Talk: Nolo's Law Dictionary
- The Elements of Style The 1918 version
- C.I.A. World Factbook
- Library of Congress, including Marvel and Locis
- The New York Public Library
- The World Wide Web Virtual Library
- National Library of Medicine and Medline
- Carl Uncover Free citations from 17,000 publications; charge for full articles
- The Merck Manual guide to diseases
- RxList: The Internet Drug Index Extensive information on prescription and over-the-counter drugs
- Nutrient database from the U.S.D.A.
- Law Guru gives access to hundreds
of legal search engines and the Internet Law Library
- Lawoffice.com from West's Legal Directory and Martindale-Hubbell's Lawyer Locator
- The U.S. Constitution
- U.S. Patents since 1971, from I.B.M.
- The Bible Browser
- I.R.S. information and publications. For more tax sites, try taxsites.com.
- Citynet guide to Net information in and about major cities
- Metroscope city, business, entertainment guides for major cities
- National Geographic's
Map Machine
- Mapquest gives a street-level map for any U.S. address
- Social Security death index
- Consumer World has consumer finance rates, company contacts, consumer information
- Currency converter from Olsen & Associates converts from any currency to another
- Cost-of-living calculator and other useful tools
- How Far Is It? gives the distance between two cities
- U.S. Naval Observatory clock
Telephone & e-Mail Directories
Publications on the Net
News Digests
Magazines & Features
Guides to Media Publications
Project Vote Smart, a guide to candidates and issues
All Politics from CNN with Time magazine
The Empire Page links to major news headlines on politics each day, emphasizing New York
Federal Election Commission data on campaign contributions
Federal Election Commission data
in a more useful format, compiled by two former F.E.C. employees
Navigator, also from The Times on the Web, has more political links
- Amazon.com Books, music, videos, games,
electronics, auctions -- and growing
- Barnesandnoble.com and Borders
have books and music to enjoy off line.
- Bizrate compares prices and lets
you see how fellow consumers rate online merchants
- BizWeb: Internet commercial sites
by category
- Buyer's Index searches 19,000
Web sites and catalogs for the product you seek.
- CD Now and Tunes.com
Online music stores
- Ebay the online auction house
- Internet Fashion Mall
- NetMarket has discounts on brand
name goods.
- PriceLine lets you name your own
price for travel, cars or mortgages, and see if anyone will bite.
- PriceScan compares prices for computer
hardware and software, as well as books.
- Product Review Net Reviews
of products from a variety of publications
- Travelocity, Biztravel,
Expedia have airline tickets, car rentals,
hotel reservations, travel information
- Travelzoo collects special travel
offers from many sites
Entertainment & Culture
- The Internet Movie Database
- Movielink from 777-FILM has theater
times and advance ticket purchases in major cities
- Ticketmaster has information
and tickets for music, theater and sporting events
- Film.com News from the movie industry,
as well as links to film resources
and studios
around the Web
- Reel surveys your movie tastes and recommends
ones it thinks you'll like
- Atom Films offers short films and
animations on the Web
- TV Guide Now includes an extensive
movie database
- Ultimate Television Network, a
guide to everything TV-related on the Web
- Gist provides customized TV listings
- PBS Online
- The Discovery Channel Online
- Culturefinder has schedules
for the performing arts around the U.S.
- National Endowment for the Arts
- World Wide Arts Resources
- NWHQ:Independent artists
on the Web
- The Louvre More fun to visit in person,
but you can see many exhibits without leaving home.
- Art on the Net, an exhibit by 80 artists,
and links to other art sites
- Yahoo events (formerly Broadcast.com)
Audio and video of all sorts, from all over
- mp3.com makes a wide variety of music
available in its eponymous Internet format
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
- Internet Underground Music Archives
- Classical Music Archive Thousands
of classical music samples in midi format
- Epicurious, the Food
Network, Recipes
from the Net and Gemini
and Leo's recipe links will help you answer the question, "What's for dinner?"
- Wine Spectator and WineToday.com
have ratings and reviews of thousands of wines
Sports & Recreation Reports
- ESPN SportsZone
- Sportsline from CBS
- CNN/SI from CNN and Sports Illustrated
- The Sports Network gives up
to the minute news and results
- Allsports has news, scores, odds,
audio feeds and more
- Total Sports well organized
sports news, plus Head to Head Baseball, which lets you compete online with others
using real players' stats.
- NFL.com from the N.F.L.
- Fastball, a Cox Newspapers baseball
service with live play-by-play and tons of stats
- majorleaguebaseball.com
from Major League Baseball
- GORP, the Great Outdoor Recreation Pages,
has extensive information on parks and outdoor activities of all sorts
- The WWW Bicycle Lane A bit dated,
but still a good collection of links
- The Tennis Server and Tennis
Country have news, schedules, rules and more
- GolfWeb, GolfDigest.com
and Golf.com cover the golf world
Demonstrations and Miscellany
Add An Informant LinkTo The Databse!
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