Nazi Holocaust Case Update - 42,000
Clients and Counting - 9/8/00
The Bulldog Newspaper at Fresno State University has been
credited for breaking the story over two years ago that a Belgium
woman had filed a law suit against Ford Motor Company and
its German affiliate Ford Werke A.G. in Cologne, Germany
for being forced to work as a slave laborer at during World War
Alberto Fujimori of Peru The President
who Dared to Dream - 9/04/00
It all started in 1920 when a young man called Naoichi Fujimori
arrived in Peru to work in a cotton plantation in Paramonga.
Fervent Calls For a New Society - Christian
youths gathered on the Mall yesterday - 9/03/00
Tens of thousands of Christian youths gathered on the Mall yesterday
in a dawn-to-dusk prayer rally that called for reconciliation between
children and parents, an end to abortion and sexual immorality,
and the return of school-sponsored prayer.
The New Media & Voter Education
- 6/18/00
So here we are, at the dawn of a new century and a new millennium,
with an information revolution underway. An opportunity to advance
and improve democracy is before us. Young people are reading online
Sprawl Comes To The Central Valley
- 5/14/00
To builders and boosters, more often than not, goes the privilege
of naming a place. A billboard announces yet another subdivision
to be built in Tracy. This town on the western flank of the San
Joaquin Valley was founded 122 years ago as a railroad junction,
and an official of the Central Pacific line seized the moment to
honor an old friend...
Ugly America - A Modern Gulliver's
Commentary on Coming To America From Russia -
I recently decided to visit the country whose President Ronald Reagan
once called Soviet Russia, the "Evil Empire." Leaving Moscow by
air, my plane was scheduled to land in Chicago. Instead, we ended
up at the Detroit terminal...