Our web site
is being redesigned to be used with a screen reader. All images
on our web site will be accompanied by a description attribute that
will be visible if your browser supports the alt-text function.

this ADA link to learn about converting
PDF to text.
All Clovis
Free Press pages have a "contact/comment" hyperlink. If
a web page has an on-line form that is not accessible, please e-mail
the Editor listed to get help obtaining the form or filling it out.
The Clovis
Free Press Disability Access Design Standards requires that all
audio and video clips have text transcriptions or descriptions with
a closed-captioned (CC) hyperlink.
- All Clovis Free
Press Web pages shall support text browsers directly on the
page to the extent that is possible.
hyperlinks to PDF documents will include the word "PDF" within
the hyperlink description.
graphic image shall have an "Alt" tag with a short description
of that graphic image. If the graphic image is being used as
a hyperlink, it will also include a description of the information
at the hyperlink.
audio and video clips shall have text transcriptions or descriptions.
The graphic page will have a closed-captioned (CC) link button.
text shall contain descriptive words. Words like "this", "here"
or "click" alone do not convey information about the nature
of the link.
news stories are required to have a "contact/comment"
link. The link will provide an e-mail address for obtaining
assistance in providing the requested information.
use of frames in news publication pages will be avoided since
they are not supported by all browsers and cannot be read intelligently
by screen readers. Newspaper style layouts with text wrapping
from one column to the next are not allowed.